There is a long-standing debate in the acting community about whether or not actors should bother to attend acting school. Some people believe that you can learn just as much, if not more, on your own by studying various acting methods, watching films, and gaining experience on the job. Others feel that attending an accredited acting school and learning from professionals in the field is the best way to become a successful actor. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why casting directors often prefer actors who have gone to acting school to help you make your decision.


One of the main reasons why casting directors prefer actors who have gone to acting school is because they have received formal training. This means that they have likely studied various acting methods and know how to apply them in a variety of scenes. They understand the basics of character development and can use this knowledge to create interesting and layered characters. Additionally, actors who have gone to acting school are usually more comfortable with performing in front of an audience or camera. They know how to control their nerves and deliver a natural performance.

The entertainment industry is also something that changes often, and the best way to keep up with these changes is to attend an acting school that is tuned into the shifts that occur. Simply watching movies and looking up information is not going to allow you to keep up with the changing dynamics of the field, and casting directors know this. They are far more likely to choose someone who is aware of these things.


Another reason why casting directors prefer actors who have gone to acting school is because they are typically more professional. These actors understand the importance of being on time for auditions and callbacks, as well as respecting the other cast and crew members. They are also more likely to take direction well and make adjustments to their performance if necessary. Many acting schools spend time teaching students how to create polished audition submission packages and teach them how to best handle auditions, whether it be in person, virtually, or via a recorded video. A more polished submission and audition stands out far above the unpolished and inexperienced, and someone who is less professional likely won’t even be noticed by a casting director.


Students who attend acting schools typically have the kind of experience that others do not simply because acting schools often put on performances or create things like demo reels as part of the curriculum. Someone who has not attended acting school will likely not have had the instruction or equipment necessary to create a professional demo reel or the opportunity to perform in a stage production.

Overall, casting directors prefer actors who have gone to acting school because they have received formal training, they are more professional, they have experience, and they often deliver more natural performances. So if you’re serious about becoming an actor, attending an accredited acting school may be the best way to achieve your goal.