Getting into acting school is, for many, an absolute dream come true! It’s the first step on the road to becoming a professional performer, and it can be an incredible rewarding experience. But once you become a student in acting school, things can get tough! The hours are long, and the risk of burn-out is very real. In this article, we’re going to take a look at ways you can take care of yourself to avoid burning out so that your acting school experience is fun and nourishing.


-Carve out a little time for relaxation techniques, even if it’s just five minutes in the morning and at night. Just a few minutes of clearing your mind and breathing deeply can improve your overall wellness and give you that boost you need to make it through the day. It’s even better if you can set time aside between classes for this as well!

-Make sure you don’t sacrifice too much sleep! We know it’s hard to get in the needed 7-8 hours when you’re in school full time and possibly even working, but sleep is crucial for wellness and supporting your immune system.

-Set some time aside for fun! We’re sure you’re going to enjoy your acting classes–it’s what you want to do with your life, after all! But don’t forget the importance of doing totally unrelated things that simply bring you joy. Maybe you like swimming or hanging out at the beach, or maybe you like a good game of mini golf. Whatever it is, go have some fun so you can forget about responsibilities and obligations for a little while.

-Keep yourself organized. Making sure your schedule, assignments, and out-of-school obligations are organized in a way that works for you is a great way to minimize stress. It’s also a good representation of what you’ve got on your plate, which will help you take a step back and decide if you’ve taken on too much or if you still have room for things that might come up.


Whether it’s peers in your acting classes or friends family from outside of school, make sure you’ve got a network of people who are supportive and caring and who you can talk to when things get tough. It’s important to find people who support your dreams and want to be there for you while you’re balancing work, education, and life in general.

Maybe you’ll want to create a group of likeminded students who are looking for ways to combat burn-out. By sharing strategies and planning things together, you’ll have a team to hold you accountable and provide any needed support.

Being a student is stressful and time-consuming, and being an acting student can be even tougher sometimes. Days are often long and packed with a lot of information and activity. If you’re trying to balance a job on top of all this and also take care of yourself, it can feel next to impossible. But there are small things you can do for yourself, and ways you can connect with others, to ensure that burn-out doesn’t get the be