Are you interested in pursuing a career as a voice actor in Canada? Do you love playing around with funny voices and entertaining your friends? Voice acting can be an exciting, creative and rewarding job, but it does take some skill and perseverance to make it work. In this article, we’re going to look at some of the things you can do to help start your voice acting career today!


The number one thing you’re going to need to do is get yourself a voice acting education. Taking classes or workshops with professional instructors is essential for success as any kind of actor, but this is very true for voice acting. Learning proper vocal techniques and how to use your unique style of speaking can greatly improve the quality of your performance. Many educational institutions across Canada offer courses specifically designed for aspiring voice actors. It’s important to find one that has trained professionals who will teach you everything from microphone technique to basics of storytelling through sound. In such a competitive part of the acting industry, potential employers will need to know you take your craft seriously and that you are properly trained.


Having a professional-quality demo reel is essential for success as a voice actor. A good demo reel will showcase your unique style of speaking and acting skills, so it’s important to make sure it looks great. Work with a qualified sound engineer to ensure the quality of your recordings are up to industry standards. Many acting schools will include the creation of a demo reel as part of their course work, which is another great reason to attend classes before attempting to audition.


Like we said before, voice acting is an extremely competitive field, so you need to be proactive in marketing yourself if you want to stand out from the crowd. Attend networking events and conventions related to the industry, promote yourself online through social media, join online databases like or IMDB Pro, and contact local production companies directly about potential gigs. Trying to find yourself a talent agent is also a great way to ensure that your name is out there where it needs to be.


The only way to become a better voice actor is to practice. Take on as many jobs as you can, even if they’re small or unpaid – the experience will be invaluable for your career. Once you’ve built up some experience and have a strong portfolio of work, you’ll be much more likely to land bigger paying gigs. If you find that you’re still having a hard time getting noticed, you can always choose to expand your knowledge by taking more classes and continuing to network with other students and instructors who have experience in the field.

By following these steps, you can set yourself up for success in Canada’s voice acting industry. With dedication, hard work and an understanding of the basics, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a professional voice actor in no time! Good luck!