We know that acting is not an easy job. There’s a lot of pressure involved, and the industry is very competitive. Thankfully, there are things you can do to make the work a little easier for yourself! We’ve compiled a list of great hacks that every actor should know to help them get along in the industry. We hope you enjoy!


One of the biggest issues actors face is having enough time to get everything done. Everyday tasks can build up if you’re spending too much time rehearsing, and rehearsing can take a backseat if your everyday tasks are front and centre. A great way to practice lines or prepare for an audition is to do it while you’re at the sink washing dishes or driving to the grocery store, or completing any other of the daily things that are necessary for successful adulting. Better yet, if you can hang out and do some of these chores with a friend or roommate, you can perform for someone else while you’re getting work done, and they can help give you some feedback.


Do you have an iMDB page? Have you splurged on iMDB Pro? Are you part of acting related Facebook and Reddit groups? You want to be connected to as much important information as possible, and social media is an excellent way to find out about opportunities that you might not already be aware of. By meeting as many new and likeminded people as possible, you’ll start to make great connections within your industry. You might even find out about different events that you can attend…who knows who you might meet while you’re there!


Seeing ourselves on film or hearing our voices recorded isn’t always the most comfortable experience, but seeing what a casting director is going to see is a great way to create deeper awareness around how you present yourself at an audition. Dress up in the same outfit you would wear to a particular audition, and act as if you’re there in front of a panel of people who are going to decide whether or not you get the part. When you watch the footage, you’ll be able to observe yourself from the perspective of the people you’re trying to impress and can adjust your performance accordingly.


Taking advantage of local acting workshops and drop-in classes is a great way to keep your craft fresh even after you’ve graduated from acting school. The longer we’re out of school, the more likely we are to start forgetting techniques and other little things that we’ve learned, so refreshers are always a good idea, especially if you feel like your career is getting a little bit stale.


Because acting can be a little unpredictable, it’s a great idea to have a bag of essentials handy in case you get a call or are running late to a scheduled audition. Things like deodorant, sanitary wipes, breath mints or gum, and your favourite makeup should be stowed away for quick use if you ever need them. You can keep this in your car, or in a backpack or purse that you often have with you.

There are plenty of hacks out there that every actor should know to make their job easier and more successful, and these are just a few of them. Incorporating rehearsal into everyday life, making your presence known on social media, watching yourself in action, taking classes to keep learning, and keeping supplies close by are all great ways to stay ahead of the game. Good luck!