There are a few debates out there about whether or not actors really need to go to acting school. Some people believe that you can learn everything you need while on the job. However, others think that attending a reputable acting school is essential to ensuring a successful career. In this article, we will explore both sides of the argument and let you decide for yourself!


On one hand, some people believe that actors can learn everything they need on the job. After all, acting is a craft that can be learned through experience. There are certainly successful actors have never set foot in an acting school!

Having the opportunity to get in front of a camera or spend some time on stage might be all that some actors need to develop confidence and become comfortable and knowledgeable in their field. The important thing to consider with this is how to achieve that first break. Are you going to be auditioning for a panel that wants to see what acting school you graduated from? Are you prepared to answer questions someone might have about specific techniques? And are you properly prepared for the audition process? These are all questions you should think seriously about if you’re going to attempt to launch a career in the entertainment industry without attending a reputable acting school first.


On the other hand, there are a LOT benefits to attending a reputable acting school. For one thing, you will have access to experienced teachers who can help you hone your craft. There are lots of different techniques and styles out there that you will likely not know about if you haven’t spent some time learning from professionals.

Acting school will also give you the opportunity to meet other aspiring actors and build a community and industry connections. Acting schools will often be able to provide you with opportunities that you wouldn’t otherwise have.

You’ll also have the chance to learn about crucial aspects of the entertainment industry such as auditions. Acting schools often teach their students what audition panels are looking for, and this inside knowledge is something that usually proves pretty invaluable for aspiring performers. Some schools even teach students about the technical side of things like lighting. This produces more well-rounded students.

Finally, audition panels will usually look at actors’ resumés to see what acting school they attended. They’ll want to know that the performer they’re about to hire not only knows their stuff but graduated from a trusted school.


So what’s the verdict? Ultimately, of course, it’s up to you whether or not you want to attend acting school. If you’re serious about becoming an actor, it is very much worth considering!

Do some research, ask around, and trust your gut! Whatever decision you make, we wish you the best of luck in your acting career!